
One Step Forward Is A Step Ahead: The Power Of Making Small Changes

Krista Garret is a successful entrepreneur, and she is candid about her journey to overcome personal challenges to arrive at this point in her life. Krista embarked on the path to become a business owner with great aspirations, and while she followed through and created a successful business, she began to stumble and slip when […]


What To Do When You Spot An Impostor

There comes a time in a business owner’s life when you experience your crowning achievement. This is the moment you’ve waited so long to arrive: you are on stage presenting; you’re running the meeting; or everyone looks to you because you’re in charge. Seems like a moment of triumph, right? Not always. When Your Best […]


How Positive Thinking Can Become A Power Source For Your Business

Business theory is pretty practical so there isn’t much occasion for thinking about the Universe and meaning of life. However, the two could not be more connected! In business, the fundamental purpose hinges on a transaction. Whether it’s a deal, a bargain, a sale, or a trade, business works when one person gives and another […]


Getting Results – Profit Coaches Drive Success

Let me ask:  Are you driven?  – Data-driven?? This techy buzz word has gained momentum because it essentially puts the proof in the pudding; data determines the level of success for your efforts. Data shows a clear, irrefutable pathway that lets me know when I’m on the right path – or wrong path. Data allows […]


Sorry, Not Sorry – Conflict Is Not Resolved When You Forgive And Forget

In response to an apology, I once heard a business colleague say to his employee, “I appreciate the apology, but I’d rather hear you acknowledge the behavior and never doing it again!” He is right! The goal of conflict isn’t to remedy the hurt feelings – it’s to prevent the pain from recurring again and […]


3 Reasons You Need a Business Coach

Let’s think back to the start of your business:  remember the enthusiasm, the sense of adventure, the belief in yourself, and the desire for something bigger? Maybe you find these memories buried beneath a few realities and disappointments, the tough things that happen along the way. What if you could skip those tough parts or […]


Breakthrough Busters: What Actions Will Get You Through

What is the magic formula behind a successful entrepreneur? I suppose if we all knew that, then everyone would become one! As a small business coach, I’ve talked with many people who want to start a business, and I’ve seen an equal share of people who started their business only to fade away soon after. […]


Escape Debt: Smart Business Investments for Financial Health

There’s a saying that “it takes money to make money,” and it really describes the process for starting your own business. You need money for start-up costs, capital, and investing, but from where are you supposed to get the money? Most of us turn to loans to create the financial cushion we need to get […]

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