How to Harness the Power of Trust
March 15, 2021

How to Harness the Power of Trust

I am working on a collaborative book project called the Energy of Abundance. This inspired me to create a 3-part series where I will share all about the journey with abundance. I previously released the 1st part on Patience. This 2nd part is all about Trust.

Trust was a loaded word for me for me for a long time. Through the hardships I had gone through I had lost a lot of trust. At one point my career was in the toilet, I was going through a horrible divorce, I was living pay check to paycheck, all as a single mother to 3 kids. Why was this all happening to me?

It wasn’t until I shifted my mindset, and understood that I could still feel abundant despite what I was going through where things really changed. I had previously thought that money would be the solution to all my problems. But money can only provide short-term happiness, not the true authentic happiness we all long for.

Trust is an inside job, and it starts when we make an internal shift in our emotional state and are courageous enough to let our limiting beliefs go. Trust is asking the empowering questions during the hard times, like “what can I learn from this” rather than “why is this happening.” Trust is how you begin to see that everything is happening for your highest and best interest.

Join in me in this episode as I deep dive into my journey with trust, and where I share a daily practice I swear by, and how trust can help align you with the energy of abundance.



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Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

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