
Female Business Owners I Look Up To (and Still Do)

Let’s be honest, women are pulling out all the stops to create and run successful businesses these days. Each year, more and more women pursue entrepreneurship. Younger women between the ages of 25-44 are especially found in entrepreneurial roles. If you’re like me, I look up to the successful female business owners of our time. […]


Where Should Entrepreneurs Go For Business Advice?

As every entrepreneur knows, it’s easier to be successful when you have the right support around you. Getting business advice from trusted sources like business coaches and other experts in the field will help you grow your own business. These days, you can find business advice in a variety of places. Connecting with other entrepreneurs […]


Accountability: How to Inspire Your Team

Every great leader needs to take accountability in order to excel with their teams. Uncomfortable working conditions, a lack of incentives or affirmations, and other easy-to-solve issues often hinder your team from reaching the highest levels of success. Professional accountability coaching services can take your team to unimaginable heights, igniting inspiration for valuable new ideas. […]


Want To Be Happier? Here’s The Science Behind It with Scott Crabtree

How can I be happier? How do I bring in more happiness into my everyday life? What is the key to happiness? Let’s tackle that question with science.  In today’s episode, I am joined by Scott Crabtree who is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happy Brain Science. Their mission is to foster productivity, […]


A Glimpse Behind Well-Rounded Business Coaching

Business coaches aren’t new, and as an entrepreneur, you’ve likely heard of these programs. While there are many benefits of coaching, professionals working with today’s entrepreneurs don’t offer well-rounded programs. A focus on mentoring and consulting has become more prominent, which, while valuable, can be a waste of time as there is a lack of […]


Never a Victim, Always a Victor with Jessica Sinclair

Everybody loves a comeback story, right? I certainly do. Well get ready to hear one of the most powerful comeback stories I have ever heard. Childhood abuse, poverty, divorced parents, pregnant at 16. Cut to Class President, graduating in the 10% of her class as a teenage mom while working a part-time job, then getting […]


3 Habits of the Happiest and Most Productive People with Rick Heyland

Did you know that those living with purpose are 32% happier? Did you know that the happiest and most productive people share the same 3 habits? And did you know that asking yourself 7 questions can help you uncover your life’s purpose? These were all topics I discussed with my special guest in today’s episode: […]


Your Key To Success: LIFE ISN’T PERFECT

I used to think that if I got really good at the Law of Attraction I could eliminate all bad things from my life. Keep thinking good thoughts Jennifer. “Focus on the good” I’d think to myself. But wait why are these “bad” things happening to me? What am I doing wrong? Well lesson learned, […]


Boost Energy Levels for Long Workdays

You’ve worked an 8+ hour day, you are answering your last email, you are starving, your eyes are strained, and you can’t wait to sit down and just do nothing. There’s no food in the house so you just feel like ordering a pizza and watching your favorite mind-numbing TV show. Sound familiar? Yup, been […]


How to Harness the Power of Trust

I am working on a collaborative book project called the Energy of Abundance. This inspired me to create a 3-part series where I will share all about the journey with abundance. I previously released the 1st part on Patience. This 2nd part is all about Trust. Trust was a loaded word for me for me […]

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