
Word Hacks For A Happier Day

It’s important to understand that words have power. They actually have so much more power than we think, and we can use that power either for our benefit or for our own detriment. What’s more true is that sometimes we don’t even realize the words we’re using are actually holding us back and hurting us. […]


Happiness Versus Success

Choosing between success and happiness is a matter of beliefs and actions. Do you prioritize happiness over success or vice versa? Many studies and research work are now being conducted to understand how humans perceive happiness and success. These studies are helping to analyze different behavioral patterns to understand what it really means to be […]


Drop The Worry

Worry is a constant part of our lives in these testing times. In the last few weeks, we have seen Coronavirus sweeping the planet. Though we have seen amazing examples of social responsibility, community work, and care in some cases, we have also witnessed horrible acts of racism, panic, and hoarding. Worrying makes complete sense […]


Your #1 Secret Weapon For Growth

A recent study by The American Society of Training and Development on accountability found you have a 65% chance of completing a goal if you commit to someone.  But, if you have a specific accountability time and person/group to report to, you’ll increase your chance of success by up to 95%. Yes, 95% Accountability is […]


3 Reasons You Need a Business Coach

Let’s think back to the start of your business:  remember the enthusiasm, the sense of adventure, the belief in yourself, and the desire for something bigger? Maybe you find these memories buried beneath a few realities and disappointments, the tough things that happen along the way. What if you could skip those tough parts or […]


Breakthrough Busters: What Actions Will Get You Through

What is the magic formula behind a successful entrepreneur? I suppose if we all knew that, then everyone would become one! As a small business coach, I’ve talked with many people who want to start a business, and I’ve seen an equal share of people who started their business only to fade away soon after. […]


Escape Debt: Smart Business Investments for Financial Health

There’s a saying that “it takes money to make money,” and it really describes the process for starting your own business. You need money for start-up costs, capital, and investing, but from where are you supposed to get the money? Most of us turn to loans to create the financial cushion we need to get […]

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Practical Wisdom for Building a Business You Actually Love