Your #1 Secret Weapon For Growth
April 04, 2018

Your #1 Secret Weapon For Growth

A recent study by The American Society of Training and Development on accountability found you have a 65% chance of completing a goal if you commit to someone.  But, if you have a specific accountability time and person/group to report to, you’ll increase your chance of success by up to 95%.

Yes, 95%

Accountability is without question the secret weapon of the worlds most accomplished athletes and business people.

The good news: you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete or business mogul to take advantage of this powerful tool.

Does It Really Work?

Two year ago my client Lynn set a goal for herself: double her business revenues in one year. She sells a clothing line for women on Amazon and while her clothes were beautiful, and she practically drips talent, she had not seen the kind of financial success she wanted. She had been “going it alone” for 3 years with only marginal increases in sales and an ever increasing list of expenses. This time she wanted things to be different and made a commitment to my weekly accountability group.

In the group she received guidance on growing her company, along with support and encouragement when things got tough.  She applied solutions from other industries (from members who had already solved her problem) to her own business with great results.

Lynn did double her revenues in the first year. Then, she doubled them again the following year. She lowered her Operating Expenses by a whopping 43% and increased her own salary $75,000.

If you accomplished your current Revenue and Salary goals this year, how would that change your life?

The Key To Success

Finding the right group is key to your success. Being matched with like-minded entrepreneurs creates an environment of learning, growth, and achievement. It fosters motivation and team spirit – helping you go much further than you would on  your own.

Look outside your industry so there is no worry of being in a group “with the competition”. You want a safe space where you can be totally open, honest, and vulnerable for maximum benefit.

Choose a group with a strong leader who will be totally honest with you. Sure, it might be a little intimidating at first but this is how you grow. Surround yourself with people who will NOT let you off the hook and see just how much you can really accomplish.

Next Steps

If you have been searching for the right group – and are serious about meeting your goals – my name is Jennifer Dawn and I’m a Business & Mindset Coach.

Sign up now for a FREE 30 minute Breakthrough Session with a member of our coaching team and see how much faster you can achieve your goals with the right coaching and support behind you.

In this powerful session, we’ll dive into your business challenges and help you identify a clear path for success. Your best life and business are waiting, so why wait?

Schedule a Breakthrough Session today with our coaching team today!



Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

More about me

My Recent Articles

Unlocking Your Business Potential by Overcoming the Hidden Obstacles in Your Mind A Business Coach’s Guide to Building a Resilient Team Burnout is Real: A Business Owner’s Guide to Recovery and Prevention Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: A Guide for Business Leaders The Truth About Building a Business: Embracing Challenges at Every Level


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