
Eliminate Overwhelm From Your Day

Overwhelm has increasingly become a part of our lives, and this is why we need to dive deep into this topic. When we feel overwhelmed, meaning feeling stretched thin or overstressed, we are left absolutely depleted and with no space left for us to be productive, to be happy, and to grow. Overwhelm is essentially […]


Feeling Overwhelmed? It’s Not What You Think

Many studies have indicated that cases for anxiety and panic attacks have risen considerably from 2009 to 2015. About 55% of Americans are all the time overwhelmed by their daily struggles. And around 78% are either clueless or too reluctant to deal with all the piled-up clutter in their lives. Today let’s dive deep into […]


Why You Are Not Meeting Your Goals

Many of us fail to understand what we exactly want from our goals and how to actually achieve them. Recently, the University of Scranton carried out a research that reports that about 92% of people tend to give up on their goals and New Year’s resolutions. That’s a staggering amount! So let’s about goal-setting, why […]


Take Your Business In For A Check-Up

You might be taking better care of your car than your business. Despite your best intentions, it’s possible that your car gets more of your attention. It’s time to think about getting your business in for service. It’s true, cars are important and protect our lives, but we should be paying at least as much […]


Why Business Coaching is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Before Wi-Fi, there was a dial-up connection to the internet, and life moved much slower. Now, clicks and connections happen at lightning speed, and we all expect information and responses immediately. While this is good—great, even—there is a catch. Businesses must deal with a culture that does not tolerate waiting. We live in a time […]


How To Be Productive And Not Just Busy

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Mike Vardy on The Productivityist and in this podcast, I had the chance to share key ways to achieve a productive mindset. The interview also covered some of the major features inside the Best Planner Ever to help you avoid interruptions and find focus each day. Click […]


How Changing Your Mindset Can Change Your Profits

When you’re an entrepreneur, you and your business are connected. Your life will influence the business and vice versa. The ways in which you respond to the events of life have a direct impact on the way you conduct your business, so understanding this connection can improve your company. The goal is a healthy life […]


Don’t Wait To Be Happy – Feel Better Now

If you believe happiness is elusive, then it certainly will evade you! The good news however is if you want to find and feel more joy and happiness ,in your daily life there is much you can do. I believe this deeply because I’ve experienced it. My new book, The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy […]


One Step Forward Is A Step Ahead: The Power Of Making Small Changes

Krista Garret is a successful entrepreneur, and she is candid about her journey to overcome personal challenges to arrive at this point in her life. Krista embarked on the path to become a business owner with great aspirations, and while she followed through and created a successful business, she began to stumble and slip when […]


What You Need To Know About Business Coaching

Business is competitive, and when a new trend comes along that gives you an edge, most jump to try it out. Some of those fads come and go, but others become tried-and-true methods that really make a difference. One method that stands out as a game changer is business coaching. It has surpassed the trend […]


Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

More about me

My Recent Articles

Transforming Networking Nightmares into Business Growth Opportunities The Hidden Blessings in Your Business Bruises: Lessons from a Motorcycle Adventure Ultimate Guide to Profitable Business Strategies Ultimate Guide to Boosting Profitability The Ultimate Guide to Business Coaching

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