
How to Get Your Foot in the Door of an Established Business Network

As an entrepreneur, you know how important it is to network and connect with successful business owners. Gaining connections with an established business network doesn’t happen overnight. It takes determination and persistence to create a solid network. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard clients say, “If I could just get my foot in […]


Embrace Opportunity, Surrender Control for Great Results

When you make plans, life laughs right? How many of you have planned something, set your expectations, have gotten really excited only for the outcome not to be anything like how you’d imagine? Yup, all of us I’m sure. I recently took a trip to Sedona for my husband’s 50th birthday and that happened over […]


Why You’re in The Customer Perception Business with Dr. Kelly Henry

Today’s topic is so important in having a successful and thriving business, customer service. I am joined by my guest, Dr. Kelly Henry. Dr. Henry, aka the Customer Service Doctor, was an award-winning chiropractor for 20 years where he helped his patients live healthier lives with the foundation of providing exceptional customer service. Since 2018, […]


Podcasts to Play With Your Morning Coffee to Start Your Day Off Right

Entrepreneurs worldwide have recognized the importance of education and improvement in both their personal and professional lives. Learning takes on a variety of forms but finding a platform that works best for you is vital. The entrepreneurial lifestyle is busy – especially when you’re juggling family events, large projects, and personal wellbeing. Podcasts are an […]


How Daily Planning Will Get You Yearly Results

Have you found yourself feeling stuck? Have you realized you’re not meeting a few of your biggest goals? These feelings can be discouraging and may cause you to lose motivation fast. But what actions can we take to change it? Setting aside time for daily, weekly, and monthly planning will help you get the yearly […]


Top Women-Hosted Podcasts for Female Entrepreneurs

When you’re a woman making your way through the world of business, it’s always beneficial to have a mentor or at least someone you can look up to for some sound advice. Running a business is no easy feat. Fortunately, resources like podcasts, YouTube blogs, and other online tools make it easier to take on […]


Encouraging Workplace Productivity From the Top-Down

Workplace and employee productivity are vital components in keeping any company afloat and thriving, but how can managers encourage this from the top-down? There are many different methods business owners and department leaders can utilize to help inspire and encourage employees to continue performing optimally, from providing job-relevant tools like daily planners and encouraging goal-setting […]


10 Time Management Tips That Will Skyrocket Productivity

Learning and enhancing time management is, by far, one of the most rewarding skills that will take you far in your personal and professional life. If you’ve been feeling like you can’t keep up or have noticed you’re not completing simple tasks like you used to, it’s time to step back and look at the […]


How To Deal With Burnout

Have you ever felt burned out? Maybe you are going through it now, maybe you are headed in that direction, or maybe you feel exhausted on several levels and don’t really know why. The definition of burnout is “the physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress”. It doesn’t sound fun, and it’s not. […]


Why Change is Hard

If you’ve ever tried to make a change in your life you know this to be true – change is hard. Think about something you’ve been trying to change in your life that hasn’t gone so easy.. Your nutrition, exercise, income, problems with team members, managing cash, or relationships… If you are honest with yourself, […]

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