
How To Command Your Business Empire

Let’s be real: being an entrepreneur is a constant battle. You’re grappling with competitors, wrestling with market trends, and let’s not forget the internal struggles with stress and self-doubt. The business world is not for the faint-hearted, and you need more than just luck and a good idea to succeed. What’s often missing in the […]


Unbreakable with Sherria Reid

Have you ever been successful yet extremely unhappy? Have you worked for a fortune 500 company pouring hours into your career for promotions, deals and trying to find self-worth? Have you ever been challenged to make a decision of family over work? Have you lost a big deal to an associate that cost you millions? […]


The Unbreakable Retreat by Jennifer Dawn Coaching & She Leads Media

Have you ever attended a business coaching retreat? How about a life coaching retreat? How about one that combines both PLUS a Spartan obstacle race? I bet not. Well that is what we have created and have coming up in May in Montana. How exciting right? We present to you the Unbreakable retreat, a 4-day […]


When to Speed Up and When to Slow Down

I’m sure many of you can relate when you have decided to add something on your plate and you put too much pressure on yourself to get it done. You tried to fit too much in your day, stressed yourself out, overwhelmed yourself, and it ended up in you not enjoying the experience at all. […]


Investing in Your Space: The Worth with Michaela Donato

Have you ever tried being productive in a messy room? Did you find it distracting? Have you ever been extra productive when your work station was tidied and organized? It’s no secret that the space you are in influences your state of mind and thus your productivity. When the space we are in makes us […]


Successful Entrepreneurship strategies

Each entrepreneur has a unique personality, set of goals, and way of navigating the business world. But have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs are more successful than others? Of course, luck, connections, and money all contribute to success, but there’s one overarching concept that all successful business owners have in common: strategy. Business strategies […]


Tips for young female Entrepreneurs

Starting out as a female entrepreneur or woman in the workplace can seem daunting from time to time. But, unfortunately, more often than not, so many women don’t step into their power until later in life due to self-doubt or by undercutting their valuable skills, myself included. There are so many moments in my life […]


From Paralyzed to Stunt Man: John Davis on Resilience

Overcoming adversity is a challenge that every person faces. Inevitably we all have ups and downs, and for some of us, we are faced with something that can truly stop us at our tracks and change the course of our lives. It is in those moments where we can make a choice to either let […]


The Biggest Challenges I Faced as a Woman Entrepreneur (and How I Overcame Them)

Just like female scientists, athletes, and mechanics face challenges compared to their male counterparts, women entrepreneurs are in the same boat. There are so many female business owners I look up to who have inspired and motivated me throughout the years. Every female entrepreneur, including myself, has faced adversities in the business world. I believe […]


Micro Coaching Benefits

Have your professional meetings been leaving you feeling uninspired? You’re not alone. As business and technology continue to change, it’s imperative to adapt and modify old ways of working. It’s time to say goodbye to tired old meeting styles and say hello to micro-coaching. Micro-coaching is the solution to tired, traditional long-form meetings. By switching […]

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