
Why Is It So Easy For Everyone Else But Not Me?

We get the same the same coaching questions that come up every single week which I feel apply to SO many people. I want to address them here in the podcast. In this week’s episode of Happy Productive I talk about the idea “it’s so easy for everyone else but not for me”. Ever been there […]


Owning Your Power

In this episode, we have our very first guest, the 2019 Exceptional Women of Color honoree, Laticia “Action” Jackson. She’s a globally recognized women’s health and personal development expert, CEO of Empowered Coaching, as well as an author, veteran, speaker, fitness Olympian, and survivor of domestic abuse. Join us as we talk about the topics […]


Achieving Work Life Balance

In this episode we’ll discuss the topic of Work Life Balance. This term gets thrown around a lot by experts and generally refers to your ability to manage both your professional and personal life in a way that promotes harmony and balance. So let’s deep dive into what work life balance is NOT and talk […]


When Suffering Is Good

On today’s Happy Productive we tackle the topic of Suffering. Is it really necessary and if so under what circumstances. Suffering is a normal part of life that happens to us all at some point. It’s not personal or brought upon you by the world. The good news is you can learn to understand and […]


When To Slack Off In Your Business

This topic was prompted from a coaching client who said to me “I’m slacking off in my business” But he is so NOT a slacker. It was something completely different, but he had no idea, and that’s where I’d like to focus today. Let’s talk about how to tell if you’re really in fact slacking […]


9 Overlooked Time Management Tips

Good time management enables you to work smarter, not harder, so that you get more done in less time even when time is tight and pressures are high. While poor time management leaves you stressed out, stretched thin, not performing at the level you desire, putting off family time, or self care and leaves you feeling exhausted or […]


Focus and Time Management

Let’s dive into focus and time management. Time management is NOT about getting more done in a day – it’s about being able to focus on the right things to get done each day and then staying committed and disciplined to completing them. Listen below as I share six ways to sharpen your focus when […]


Take Your Business In For A Check-Up

You might be taking better care of your car than your business. Despite your best intentions, it’s possible that your car gets more of your attention. It’s time to think about getting your business in for service. It’s true, cars are important and protect our lives, but we should be paying at least as much […]


How To Be Productive And Not Just Busy

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Mike Vardy on The Productivityist and in this podcast, I had the chance to share key ways to achieve a productive mindset. The interview also covered some of the major features inside the Best Planner Ever to help you avoid interruptions and find focus each day. Click […]


Don’t Wait To Be Happy – Feel Better Now

If you believe happiness is elusive, then it certainly will evade you! The good news however is if you want to find and feel more joy and happiness ,in your daily life there is much you can do. I believe this deeply because I’ve experienced it. My new book, The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy […]

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