Want To Be Happier? Here’s The Science Behind It with Scott Crabtree
May 10, 2021

Want To Be Happier? Here’s The Science Behind It with Scott Crabtree

How can I be happier? How do I bring in more happiness into my everyday life? What is the key to happiness? Let’s tackle that question with science. 

In today’s episode, I am joined by Scott Crabtree who is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happy Brain Science. Their mission is to foster productivity, creativity and happiness through the application of cutting-edge brain science, and they are passionate about the science of happy, productive brains. What a perfect guest for the Happy Productive podcast!

As Scott shared “happiness is not completely in our control. There are some genetic factors, there are some circumstantial factors, but a lot of our happiness is coming from what’s going on between our ears. And there are choices we can make, that will lead to more or less happiness.” 

In this episode we uncover how we can do just that, how we can build in more happiness into our everyday life in a practical way. Some topics we cover include the difference between happiness and thriving, the 5 areas of well-being, the 4 themes in Scott’s Science of Happiness sessions, the incomparable value of coaching, and so much more. This is a good one, I promise!



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Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

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