
Happiness Shortcuts to Try Today with Anthony Poponi

Opportunities for happiness are all around us.” In today’s episode, I have a wonderful discussion around happiness with Anthony Poponi, who is on a mission to reclaim joy in workplaces and communities by inspiring leaders to foster community, spark laughter, and create a culture of motivation and authentic happiness. Anthony shares the same passion I […]


Boost Home Productivity with Lori Baker-Schena

I have worked from home for so many years that the current situation for many is quite normal for me. However, I have so many clients who are struggling staying motivated while working from home since this is not what they are used to at all.  Keeping motivation and keeping productivity high is the topic […]


Nobody Is Coming to Save You

I did not have the easiest childhood growing up. Nothing was given to me on a silver platter. In fact, I had a rough start in life. If you have already heard my story you know my upbringing was very difficult. But that’s not the point of this episode. I share this with you so […]


The Energy of Abundance

I was recently asked to be part of a collaborative book project called The Energy of Abundance, and in my chapter I wrote about my path to finding abundance in my own life. This inspired me to create a 3-part series where I will share all about the journey with abundance in my life. In […]


Life with Higher Emotions

Our emotions are one of the most powerful tools we have. Emotions have a direct impact into how we feel, how we think, and how we act. But what if our emotions are negative, what if we are feeling anger, jealousy, despair, guilt? What can we do then? Move up the emotional scale. An extremely […]


Success vs Happiness

One of the biggest mistakes I made in my earlier life (and one I see so many of my coaching clients make) was thinking that success would bring me happiness. Getting that job, that raise, that car, that house ….the list goes on. Little did I know even the definition of success says nothing about […]


The Difference Between Knowing and Doing

Many clients come to me knowing what they should be doing, whether it’s hire more help, get their financials in order, delegate out to their teams, or let go of that employee who is just not performing up to par. Whether you are a business-owner or not, we normally all have a good sense of […]


Harnessing the Power of the Ego

Our egos can either be our friend or our enemy. Unfortunately, most of the time our egos do not serve us in productive ways. Instead of helping us be more bold and courageous, our egos can make us arrogant and snobby. Instead of helping us develop a really strong sense of self, our egos can […]


The Real Secret Behind Time Management

I was recently asked to speak at the Lead 2 Impact Summit alongside many other incredible top industry leaders, and they asked me talk about effective time management. Here I’d like to share a few tips I shared at that talk. One of the biggest mistakes I made for so many years of my life, […]


2 Questions To Be Happier Today

“I’ll be happy when I get that promotion” … “I’ll be happy when I lose 20 pounds” ….”I’ll be happy in next year.” How many of us wait to be happy? Too many of us that is. In this week’s episode I talk about how to be happier, not tomorrow, not when so and so […]

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