8 Reasons to Attend Retreats for Business Owners in 2023
March 01, 2023

8 Reasons to Attend Retreats for Business Owners in 2023

As a business owner, you are the first and last word in your company. You are responsible for maintaining a functioning business model and the livelihoods of everyone who works in your organization. Whether your team is made up of three, 300, or 3,000, every business owner stands in a unique position at the top. Your vision guides the company and your energy is what your entire staff will take as an example.

So if you’re feeling burnt out or just uninspired, it may be time to go on one of those retreats for business owners you’ve been hearing about. Many business owners are resistant to the very idea of taking a break, even for a single day, out of dedication to their growing enterprise. But working too hard can get you down in a rut, losing perspective and energy day by day.

Why do business owners benefit from a retreat just for them? You might be surprised just how many positive reasons why you can benefit from taking just a few days away from work to focus on yourself and your craft.

8 Reasons Retreats for Business Owners Are So Important

1) It’s Lonely At the Top

Companionship is the first and perhaps most important reason to go on retreats for business owners. By companionship, we don’t just mean someone to watch movies with, but the true friendship of a coach or fellow business owner who can encourage you, hold you accountable, and celebrate you as a person instead of you as the head of a company.

It’s lonely at the top, and business owners have a harder time than most because talking about your challenges, personal or professional, could discourage the people who rely on you. At a business owner’s retreat, you are not alone and your status as a business owner helps you fit in with your colleagues and connect with your counselors instead of feeling isolated at the top.

Two female business owners chatting over coffee

2) Take a Step Back and Gain Perspective

Running a business has a way of putting blinders on your thoughts and processes. You can get so focused on the issues and operations at hand that you lose the forest for the trees. If your routine is set in stone, you can get stuck in a rut. If you are constantly putting out fires, you can lose perspective on what it’s like to have a plan that follows through.

A business owners retreat allows you to take a step back, to see yourself and your business from an outside perspective there you can reassess what you’ve been doing and make decisions based on a larger, more complete context.

Smiling woman with a backpack and a trekking pole

3) Restore Your Sense of Self

It can also be all too easy to lose yourself as a person while you’re busy being a business owner. While launching a startup or guiding your business through rough waters, your business may become your life – and this is how it should be. But you shouldn’t lose yourself completely or the ability to focus on things outside your business.

In fact, your business relies on your personal vision and drive as much as your attention and energy. A retreat can help you restore your core identity, motivations, and essential self so that you can tackle your next challenges with 100% of yourself online.

4) Connect with Other Business Owners

Being a business owner, most people don’t know what you are going through. The vast majority of people have never been in charge of a business’ success or the livelihoods of a team of employees. However, at a retreat just for business owners, you will be in good company. The friends you make here will know exactly where you’re coming from because they have been there themselves, and are perhaps seeking time in a retreat for very similar reasons.

Not only is meeting other business owners a good networking opportunity, but you will also be making friends with people who share your unique position and can offer insights, advice, and emotional support for the unique challenges you have faced in your role at the head of a company.

Diverse team in business attire meeting at outdoor cafe

5) Unlock Your Creative Thinking

Did you know that just doing one unusual thing in a day can unlock your brain’s ability to think creatively? Business leaders often use a retreat as a way to unlock the creative pathways in the brain and make it possible to think outside the box once again. Spending just a few days away from your routine can free your mind and regain mental flexibility so that you can see new possibilities, envision the outcomes of unfamiliar solutions, and approach challenges in your work and personal life with renewed creativity.

6) Get a Good Night’s Sleep

How long has it been since you had a truly deep and refreshing night’s sleep? One of the major health benefits of taking a retreat is a change of pace. On a retreat, you will eat healthy foods, exercise your body to your full capabilities, and seek your rest in the countryside with your usual responsibilities far away. This may be your first and best chance to fall into bed, exhausted yet happy, where your only job after sundown is to become rested and approach the next day with an open mind.

Retreats for business owners are also crafted with good sleep in mind. If a good night’s sleep sounds like an amazing opportunity on its own, then you’re probably overdue for a few days’ retreat.

7) Restore Your Fighting Spirit

Most business owners start their businesses with a fighting spirit; that core motivation to succeed and thrive in spite of the odds. Your energy may have been what drove the business forward to critical velocity during your startup launch. Your will to fight may be what helped your business overcome challenges and setbacks.

But if you have lost your creative, motivated, or driven perspective, or if you are just tired and have lost perspective on your own core and well-being, a retreat could be just the thing. Combining workshops and relaxation with thrilling physical challenges like kayaking and ropes courses, you can reclaim your core motivation to overcome challenges with vigor and achievement.

Restore Your Fighting Spirit

8) What You Take Home From a Business Owner’s Retreat

The final reason that business owners should embark on a retreat is the “take-home.” It’s not just about spending several days away from your routine and sources of stress. It’s not just about good sleep, good food, or business workshops. It’s about what you bring back.

You will bring back creative thought, renewed energy, grounded perspective, and the support of good friends. Most of all, you will bring back a version of yourself that you may have lost touch with — the business founder who is positive, motivated, driven, and passionate. You will come back better able to take care of yourself, guide your company, and inspire your team.

Ready to find out what a business owners’ retreat can do for you? Contact us today to learn more about our retreats for business owners, women’s business retreats, and entrepreneur retreats in 2023. You can also check out our retreats page to find the dates that will best fit your schedule and needs.


Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

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