Forget Perfection. Focus on Living!
June 16, 2015

Forget Perfection. Focus on Living!

Do you want to be perfect? You know…have the perfect home, partner, kids, family, clothes, body, career and so on. I certainly did. For me it was less about being “perfect” and more about playing a role I felt the world expected me to play. The problem however was to maintain this false image took a huge toll on my life.

~ Instead of playing with my kids, I was cleaning the house.

~ Instead of riding my horse, I was working overtime.

~ Instead of enjoying a meal with family, I was in the kitchen washing dishes.


Because I cared more about what people would think about me – and the role of “perfection” I was playing – instead of enjoying the moment and truly being HAPPY. I was so focused on everybody else and what they might think of me, I completely neglected my own feelings.

In my business coaching practice the first truth I want every woman to know is this: There is no shame in being imperfect!

It’s so important I’ll say it again: There is NO SHAME in being imperfect.

In fact, our favorite books, movies, plays all portray perfectly imperfect characters. We love them for what they are not and cheer them on in their struggle to grow and achieve success.

As you move through your week – pay close attention to playing Miss Perfect. Instead, focus on where you are now. Love it. Embrace it. Appreciate it. Cheer for the real you.

Gorgeous Romantic Girl Outdoors,Nothing and nobody in life is perfect. It’s a false myth that sucks years from your life. The dishes can wait, sit and enjoy a meal with your family. I have dirty dishes in my sink – right now – and it’s okay (I’ll tell you the story of the “dish fairy” in another post).

Your body may have a few too many lumps but love it anyway. My husband never notices when I’m carrying some extra weight and in fact the crazy man seems to enjoy having more to hold on to!

Your business may not be where it’s at – so call me and let’s get it right.

My challenge to you is this: Let it go (even just a tiny bit) and as you move through the week embrace, love, appreciate, and delight in being the perfectly imperfect YOU. It may seem like a simple thing – but it can have profound impact on your business, life, and overall peace of mind.

It’s the Power of Imperfect week! I’d love to hear what “perfect” notion you LET GO of this week and the impact it made 🙂




Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

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My Recent Articles

Unlocking Your Business Potential by Overcoming the Hidden Obstacles in Your Mind A Business Coach’s Guide to Building a Resilient Team Burnout is Real: A Business Owner’s Guide to Recovery and Prevention Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: A Guide for Business Leaders The Truth About Building a Business: Embracing Challenges at Every Level


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