

Jennifer Dawn and her team have been a blessing.  They have helped me and my business come back from the brink of death.  With her help, my music school is no longer in crisis but in growth mode and she has helped me through encouragement and tough love.  Working with her is a joy and I appreciate her dedication, honesty, hard work, knowledge, empathy and compassion.  I hope to continue to work with Jennifer and her team for many years to come!

— Krista G

Garrett Music Academy

Put your seatbelt on and enjoy the ride. Before working with Jennifer Dawn Coaching I was struggling with needing a business advisor/therapist to bounce business decisions off of. Most importantly after working with Jennifer, I was able to separate the many ongoing business things in order to get further organized. Doing so has ultimately allowed me to stay focused on the larger picture and goals more frequently. Now, I’m more calm which equals more focus which equals overall personal and professional happiness.

— John M

Rockstar Business Owner

Jennifer is an amazing coach as everyone in the review has mentioned. But she is also just an amazingly compassionate person who somehow finds a way to give me the exact advice I need in a way that I can receive it. It’s more of an art than a science – which is what makes her coaching style so valuable Every time I talk to her she has some kind of insight that opens me up to another way of looking at things. 

I haven’t written many reviews but felt compelled to write this. 

If you want to grow your business and maybe even more importantly grow as a person, I highly recommend getting Jennifer on your team.

— Naomi T

Rockstar Business Owner

Thanks to the Profit First course, every dollar my online store brings in is now carefully divided and earmarked for a specific purpose.

It was like I was working in the dark and then Jennifer came in and turned on the lights for me!  Thanks again for sharing your invaluable tools.

— Lynne C

Rockstar Business Owner

Jennifer helped me discover a new direction for my business that has resulted in a 41% increase in sales. She is supportive and encouraging, yet holds you accountable for the goals that you set. As a entrepreneur, this is extremely refreshing. I highly recommend Jennifer! You will not regret your decision.

— Sandy S

Rockstar Business Owner

I have been working with Jennifer for three years. First, she is a delight to talk with. She listens, understands, pushes, coaxes, does whatever is necessary to empower you to reach your goals. She is tough when needed, and supportive when needed. My business has grown leaps and bounds since working with her. I consider her part of my team and can’t imagine doing business without her.

— Michele W

Rockstar Business Owner

…the lessons you taught us have saved us from losing our business.  It feels so good to have cash in the bank and that line of credit sitting at a big fat ZERO!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!!

— Michelle K

Rockstar Business Owner

Jennifer’s coaching style is fabulous! She offers just the right amount of encouragement and support while also pushing me out of my comfort zone so I can grow. Jennifer’s general business knowledge, honest feedback. and ability to show me how to turn challenges into opportunities all combine into a great mix for me and my business Tidal Effects.

— Nancy M

Rockstar Business Owner

Before I started working with Jennifer Dawn Coaching, I was struggling with having a business advisor/ therapist to bounce business decisions off of. Now that I’ve been working with Jennifer I feel more calm … which equals more focus, which equals more overall personal and professional happiness.

— John J.

Rockstar Business Owner

I was struggling with motivation, and action steps to move the needle on my business. Jennifer and her team helped me with the momentum and motivation in my business. A clear direction and more confidence to pursue new business strategies. I haven’t even been able to take advantage of the group coaching calls and resources yet so there’s still more I can benefit from.

For anyone thinking about working with Jennifer Dawn Coaching in any capacity, my advice would be…do it. You won’t regret a minute!

— Kasia W

Rockstar Business Owner

Truly, it’s been such a game changer to simply have a expert level perspective on my business outside of just me. In just 30 days I already am more aware/confident of my business finances and how to allot specific dollars, am taking a deeper dive into my services and pricing structure, and am more mindful of my time management (still work in progress of course) but identifying areas of improvement.

— Jenny S

Rockstar Business Owner

Before I started working with Jennifer Dawn Coaching, I was struggling with using my voice, setting boundaries, and having control over my time, focus, energy, money, and my business.

For anyone thinking about working with Jennifer Dawn Coaching in any capacity, my advice would be…don’t hesitate, stick with her.
When you talk to Jennifer she has an innate ability to cut through your choas and lead you where you need to go.

— Michelle B

Rockstar Business Owner

Before JDC I was struggling with everything! I had no systems in place and had no roadmap to what next – I was just winging it all. If you are thinking about working with Jennifer and her team don’t wait, just do it and dive in – it’s worth the investment.

— Jen S

Rockstar Business Owner

I just wanted to tell you that the meeting on Tuesday was awesome!  Really hard to go to those innermost painful feelings; especially ones caused by people who are supposed to love you. But, I now realize it must be done in order to move on.

You have created a safe space for everyone to share. Thank you for being so generous with your time and your heart and your experiences.  It makes you stand apart from the crowd.  It is so evident that you really want to help people, and that you care. Means a lot.

— Laura L

Rockstar Business Owner

I always feel so much better after my coaching calls with Julie….uplifted and ready to take action. Like I was sliding off the track and she is able to put me back on it and in the right direction.

I am amazed at how it’s like she is in my head…she knows exactly what I need to work on and what my problems/issues are, but how I can overcome them!

I really needed someone like you and this Get Your Shit Together program. So glad and thankful I took the plunge. 🤗

Thank you so much!!

— Wendi H

Rockstar Business Owner

I’ve had a lot of positive momentum working through the roadmap, building out my business plan, marketing plan, and action plan. I’m feeling good about the shift towards my Profit First next steps, and motivated to prioritize time to work ON my business. Thank you so much Jennifer!

— Allie J

Rockstar Business Owner (and new mama!)

Jennifer and Julie – I can’t thank you enough. I feel so much better after our meeting. You helped me so much in one hour!! Amazing! The dark clouds over my head’s began lifting up. I have started feeling hopeful. I am getting clear about how to move forward to build my business and start monetizing.

I am grateful for the mentorship program I was in past 4 years but now I realized that their way to do business and their energy was not for me. I can feel your compassion and I love the way you do business. Thank you for sharing Profit First. I already love it.

— Kumiko R

Rockstar Business Owner

Hey Jennifer – I just wanted to give you a quick update. First of all, this isn’t meant to be a brag. It’s a thank you.

We had our biggest month ever in September… My partner, Rachel, and I bought a big, beautiful home about a year ago…All of our systems are significantly improved, which has helped us a lot. I rarely work floor shifts anymore, so I’m able to focus on the business and get some quality of life outside of work finally.

We should finally crack one million in sales either this year or certainly next. But that’s just a stop on the way to a much bigger company.

I’m sure I’ve told you this, but I’ll never forget the dark days when I stumbled on your video and reached out. It wasn’t an instant success story, but I will always attribute our work together as the turn in my trajectory that was critical to any success I have or will have.

— Jacob L

Rockstar Business Owner

Working with Julie on Jennifer’s team has been transformative for my real estate business. In just 30 days, I’ve made tremendous progress getting focused and aligning my priorities with my bigger vision.

Julie’s coaching model has shown me how to structure my thinking and actually follow through on executing plans. She’s helped me see the unique value I can provide clients.

I now have an advocate that challenges me to stay the course when things get difficult. Thanks to Julie’s support, I feel equipped to do the hard work needed to achieve my goals.

If you’re a real estate leader looking to get to the next level, I highly recommend Julie’s coaching

— Steve

Rockstar Business Owner and Real Estate Leader

Coaching with Julie on Jennifer’s team has brought tremendous value to me as a CEO. Over the past 30 days, I’ve become more consistent, focused, and intentional in working towards my long term vision.

I wake up early, spend quality time with family, and utilize models to improve emotional intelligence when faced with overwhelm. As a result, I have more control and balance.

The biggest benefits have been consistency in taking aligned action, increased profitability, and improved rationality and prioritization abilities.

Next, I’m eager to focus on making quantum leaps in company profit, increasing personal net worth through savings, and aligning my diverse interests in music, influencer marketing, and my career. If you’re looking for improved consistency, profitability, and alignment as a leader, I highly recommend Julie’s coaching.

— Sabbir

Rockstar Executive

I’ve made tremendous progress over the last 30 days with Julie’s support. I’ve created a clear vision and goals across all areas of my life – physical, financial, career, relationships, and giving back.

My coach has provided accountability, clarity, and encouragement that I needed to regain rhythm and consistency. I now start each day doing my ‘5 for 15’ power challenge to stay focused.

The biggest value has been achieving clarity in my vision. I’ve built out my belief tree and action plans that will allow me to accomplish ambitious 90-day goals. I’ve already realized my vision of preaching in church!

In the next 30 days, my focus is consistency in winning daily through disciplined completion of my ‘5 for 15’ ritual, no excuses. My coach will hold me accountable to this.

If you need accountability, clarity, and rhythm to accomplish your big vision, I highly recommend working with Julie on Jennifer’s team.

— Chinyere

Rockstar Business Owner

Over the past month, my coach has helped me make huge strides with launching my podcast, developing my website, clarifying my brand voice, and honing my niche and marketing approach. I’ve been able to bring so much focus and clarity to my business foundations.

The biggest value has been having an empathetic coach to provide direction when I drift off track and encouragement when I need kindness. It’s allowed me to progress rapidly.

In the next 30 days, my focus is nailing down my product specifics first before diving fully into sales and marketing activities. My coach will keep me focused here.

If you’re looking to gain clarity and consistency around your brand, products, and marketing, I highly recommend working with Julie. The progress I’ve made is truly invaluable.

— Danielle

Rockstar Business Owner

Working with my coach over the past month has created immense value for me as a software developer. I’ve improved my mindset drastically, shedding previous negative thought patterns.

The biggest shift has been breaking free of bad habits and moving from a victim mentality to a growth focused mindset. I feel empowered and less defined by past relationships.

My coach has equipped me with the tools to overcome self-limiting beliefs. I now have a renewed sense of freedom and motivation to reach my full potential.

If you’re a coder looking to improve your mindset, overcome challenges, and boost motivation like I have, I highly recommend working with Julie.

— Taher

Rockstar Executive

Are you passionate about your business? I am!  But I am the worst at marketing and sales. I wish I had found Jennifer Dawn and her marketing team 10 years ago. My business didn’t grow because I didn’t know how to market it. They are passionate about their business and yours! They are knowledgeable, professional and they have a plan. I highly recommend them. You won’t regret it.

— Cindy

Rockstar Business Owner

Like many entrepreneurs I have a lot of things going on.  Some of the things that I do are very profitable and some of them are just a drain on my time.  I didn’t realize that until I started working with Jennifer.  She helped me really take a look at all the things that I was doing.  Business by business and project by project we started looking at those things and created an action plan.  The action plan helped me eliminate the things that I either didn’t like to do or were unprofitable and focus my time and effort on the things that I enjoyed and made me money.  I am very grateful that Jennifer had the skills and the insight to help me put things in perspective.  Today I have freed up an enormous amount of time and last year was my most profitable year ever.  Thank you Jennifer for all that you did for me.

— Tim D

Rockstar Business Owner

I’ve made huge progress over the past 30 days thanks to my coach’s guidance. My website is now structured for marketing success. I’m implementing the ‘Profit First’ model to build a healthy business. And I’m exercising daily while also improving my personal relationships.

The biggest value has been gaining accountability to do the groundwork required to make my dream of helping people through my own business a reality. My coach helps me focus on the right steps in the right order.

In the next 30 days, I’ll be focused on completing my website, going live, and creating a comprehensive marketing plan to drive success.

If you’re looking to turn your dream business into reality like I am, I highly recommend working with Jennifer and her team. The accountability and clarity on the exact next steps has been invaluable

— Sandy

Rockstar Business Owner

Working with my coach Jennifer has given me a whole new positive outlook during this transitional time in my life. I had a major breakthrough this week and am feeling lighter than ever.

Jennifer has helped me regain strength emotionally, physically, and financially. I ran faster than I have in months after our last session!

Her coaching has empowered me to focus on the positives, like spending 100% time with my girls. I now feel bulletproof in handling anything that comes my way.

Jennifer has also guided me to take the high road during difficult situations – which feels amazing. I’m becoming the best version of myself.

If you’re looking to strengthen all areas of your life with a renewed mindset like I am, I highly recommend Jennifer’s coaching. She has helped me tremendously!

— Mary M

Rockstar Executive

Jennifer, Yuri and Julie: so…your Delegating session was so inspiring that I set up a Loom Account, Made my First Video, Bought Lights to brighten up my next video showing students how to work and then I set up a You Tube Channel.

How is that for getting shit done?

I love your sessions. I am so grateful to you Jennifer. You and your team rock! Thanks Yuri and Julie! See you all soon!

— Jas D

Rockstar Business Owner

Jennifer has had a positive impact on my business in a short amount of time, forcing me to take a hard look at the profitability or lack there of, and take tangible steps to reduce it. What I love about the program is the presence and terrific coaching to get me motivated.

— Dave S

Rockstar Business Owner

I wanted to thank you again for everything you did for us. I do see a future where you come to help us again. I could use your valuable insight. Sarah still says that working with you was one of the best things that ever happened for her. It opened both our eyes to new and exciting possibilities.

— Seth S

Rockstar Business Owner

The biggest value for me has been the guidance on where and how to spend my time and what I should be prioritizing. I feel like I don’t have to guess or try and get it wrong because I’ve never done this before. Jennifer really helps with figuring out what needs to happen when. I love that she tells it like it is and listens to what I want, then helps guide me in the right direction with the right tools.

— Kate H

Rockstar Business Owner

Before coaching, I struggled to make my business more global. Jennifer helped me tremendously by increasing international sales and marketing capabilities.

Her expertise in selling services and achieving results quickly convinced me she could help grow my business. In just weeks, we opened discussions to find US marketing assistance – previously off the table.

As a CEO, it’s lonely at the top when making big decisions. Jennifer’s coaching alleviated that by providing a trustworthy pro perspective. I felt less alone and safer deciding.

Jennifer is a 9/10 coach for me. She built an open, comfortable relationship that challenged me to go further. I unequivocally recommend Jennifer for driving business growth.

— Sebastian M

Rockstar Business Owner

Working with Jennifer has been an essential part of preparation for my first executive role. She provides a safe space for talking through obstacles and learning curves, gives fair and objective feedback and guidance, and helps me frame hurdles as opportunities rather than roadblocks. I love Jennifer’s positive energy and encouragement, and her personalized approach makes each session timely and actionable. I recommend working with Jennifer to anyone looking for leadership level mentoring.

— Ally M

Rockstar Executive

“Working with Thea has been a game-changer! From day one, her warmth and intelligence made me feel confident in her guidance. I was feeling stuck and through her support, I was able to focus and make progress. She was amazing at helping me refine my website messaging, clarifying my client focus and optimizing my offerings. I gained a lot of momentum, focusing my efforts where they mattered most for financial impact. She listened attentively, offering insightful perspectives that reshaped my approach and boosted my confidence, especially in the sales process where she played a pivotal role in closing my biggest coaching program to date. Overall, my experience with Thea has been transformative. Her expertise and support have propelled my business forward, helping me achieve clarity, confidence, and tangible results. I highly recommend her to any entrepreneur seeking to gain significant momentum in their business.”

— Kasia W

Rockstar Business Owner

I have been working with Jennifer now for a little over a year and it has been one of the best business decisions I have ever made. Not only is she understanding of all the things we deal with as business owners she has the knowledge and tools to help us navigate the new things that pop up almost daily. Jennifer and her team are almost always available for anything we need and area dealing with, from accounting and hiring to marketing and everything in between. I highly recommend JDC to anyone looking to level up their business and life. No need to look any further. 

— Brent A

Rockstar Business Owner

Before Jennifer Dawn Coaching, I was struggling with stagnant growth and breaking through a years-long plateau. We organized our roadmap based on how my business was currently operating, but the biggest eye-opener was reading ‘Traction’ – an absolute game changer that has our office laser focused.
The results? Huge accountability. There’s a weekly push to get things done before my coaching call, and I’m seeing measurable results thanks to our detailed roadmap.
My advice? Take the leap! I can’t stop telling my team lead that I regret SO much not taking this step sooner.

— Jorge G

Rockstar Business Owner

Jennifer Dawn Coaching transformed my business. I was struggling with direction and confidence, but through our work together – weekly tasks, mindset shifts, and big-picture planning – I’ve gained clarity and focus. Now I have actionable steps for growth and use my time more efficiently. For anyone considering Jennifer’s coaching, I can’t stress enough: the investment is SO worth it!

— Margot H

Rockstar Business Owner

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