Douglas Robbins
July 16, 2024

Douglas Robbins

Doug’s journey as a writer began with a pivotal moment in high school, where a teacher encouraged him to craft a poem, sparking Doug’s creativity. This transformative experience laid the foundation for Doug’s path as a writer.

Doug has navigated through various jobs throughout his life, contributing to his growth. However, storytelling emerged as his true calling. As a prolific author, Doug explores diverse genres—sci-fi, romance, contemporary literature—while consistently delving into profound themes. Throughout his work, the consistent thread remains—a focus on characters undergoing personal growth, navigating life’s complexities, and embracing introspective narratives that resonate deeply with dreamers and knowledge seekers.


Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

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My Recent Articles

Transforming Networking Nightmares into Business Growth Opportunities The Hidden Blessings in Your Business Bruises: Lessons from a Motorcycle Adventure Ultimate Guide to Profitable Business Strategies Ultimate Guide to Boosting Profitability The Ultimate Guide to Business Coaching


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