Why Change is Hard
May 20, 2020

Why Change is Hard

If you’ve ever tried to make a change in your life you know this to be true – change is hard.

Think about something you’ve been trying to change in your life that hasn’t gone so easy..

Your nutrition, exercise, income, problems with team members, managing cash, or relationships…

If you are honest with yourself, you may even look back and realize it’s something you’ve been struggling with for months, years or even your entire life.

If change was so easy, we’d all be doing it and living our most perfect and best lives 100% of the time but that’s often not the case. Today’s episode is for those of you sick of the battle and who are ready and willing to start making changes. Let’s dive in…


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Jennifer Dawn


Jennifer Dawn has grown two multimillion dollar businesses and now mentors others to do the same. She is one of the select few nationwide Profit First and Provendus Growth Academy Certified coaches…

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